Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Newsletter for July 2018

Greetings in the Name of Jesus! We feel we are in a boat without a paddle; but we have a Great  Captain who is seeingus through!

Our country of Nicaragua has been experiencing a lot of turmoil since April. We and our Nicaragua family are trusting God to heal our land and restore what the enemy stole. We still are not able to return and are trusting God to lead us by His Spirit. We are in the Ocala, Florida area where one of our sons lives. Please pray not only for our country but for our missionaries as well.

We held our 2 nd Latin America Deaf Ministries Conference in Alajuela, Costa Rica (outside of San Jose) on July 4-6 th . 80 people attended with 13 countries represented. We had thought that our Nicaragua team of 17 church leaders would not be able to cross the borders safely, but PTL they got across and it was a joyous reunion to see them. We are so happy they got to experience this to refresh their soul, mind and body. 

We had dynamic anointed preaching by Deaf and Hearing pastors as well as great workshops to challenge us to get more involved in our local churches. Our theme was “Light the Light” of Jesus. So thankful for Mary Dively who came to interpret in ASL (American Sign Language). We also had an interpreter from Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We had several new countries represented and so thankful to God for making these connections; US, Mexico, Dom. Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Cuba.
Friends –
First, we have decided to close our Bible School temporarily due to the situation in Nicaragua. We have teachers from the US who help us and this year we had to cancel all 4 of them. We are saddened, but God is in control, so we continue to trust Him. 

Secondly, our Deaf school attendance has gone down considerably and many of the parents are not able to pay the tuition. The school is hurting for funds…would you consider giving an offering? You can send it to Childhope and mark( for the Deaf school in Nicaragua), 1445 N. Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802. We appreciate your love and faithfulness to pray for our ministry among the Deaf. Our church is reaching 40 Deaf every Sunday. PTL they have a hunger for God! Our second church in Ciudad Sandino have 40 coming as well. Glori a Dios!!