Monday, December 21, 2015


Merry Christmas Friends!

Well, here we are at the end of the year already!   Did anyone but us think that went fast?  God has blessed this ministry and we are so appreciative of your partnership in prayer and support.   We trust that you and your family will have a blessed Christmas holiday.

We want to share a few of the highlights of the past couple months to see how the Lord is orchestrating something greater than we can imagine.  Jesus said to ask anything and He would give it to us.  We are asking for wisdom, for His guidance and provision and His continued Hand on our lives as we serve Him in Nicaragua to reach more Deaf not only in our country, but those in Latin America. 


We are believing that God’s timing is to begin the week after Easter in March.  Our building is 95% ready.  We are organizing our teachers and materials.  There is a saying, “build it and they will come!”   Does that sound familiar?  Ha ha, but that is exactly how we feel that God has gone before us with this new vision to reach so many more Deaf people in Latin America through our students once they study and prepare themselves and return to their countries.

It is a big step of faith, but we know that God is in this; it is His timing for the Harvest.   Would you make special prayers for this project?  We want it covered in prayer.  It is going to touch many lives.  The Deaf people are an Unreached Peoples Group and there are over 2,000,000 souls waiting to hear the gospel in Latin America alone.  Don’t you want to be a part of this?   We are so excited! 

There is still a lot to organize.  It can be overwhelming at times, but we are trusting God to continue guiding us and put it together.

If you would like to donate to the Bible school to provide a scholarship or just donate to help, you may send an offering to our account #262027 and mention for the Bible school Class 44.    If you would like more information, please feel free to write us email and we will provide it.

We are working hard to connect with all of our countries to recruit students.  It is crucial that we get our student body in place as soon as we can.  Lots to pray and do.  Thank you for remembering us!


LACC has been such a blessing of support to our Deaf school since the birth of our vision in 1997.  We remember Byron coming along with Steve Alsup and Doug Peterson catching our vision to help the Deaf children.  They have been so instrumental to help us with sponsors.   If you would like to sponsor one of our students, please call their offices: 417-862-8500, or you could go online to their website:


We made an investigative trip for a few days to talk with the National Assemblies of God officials and connect with a deaf group.  This is the group of deaf people attending a new church set up in Panama City.  Matt preached on Sunday and 10 deaf in this group accepted the Lord.  Please pray that the leader will be able to teach them more of His Word.  We are trusting for a couple of students to attend our Bible school.  The National church is very supportive to give scholarships and support.

We are planning an identical trip to Costa Rica in January, God willing.  Please pray for all the trip details to come together and good results.


In July 6-8, 2016 we will be hosting a Conference for hearing and deaf people involved or “want to begin” deaf ministries.   This is a big challenge to organize, but trusting the Lord once again for it to come together.  Communication is getting out and having a good response.  We are praying for a great attendance and “Unifying Together” our region for the Glory of God and for the Harvest of Souls.    So……….PRAY, PRAY, AND PRAY!!   THANKS!